First up.... weight loss. As most of you know I was in a weight loss competition, up until yesterday. You see back in 2002 my sister Krista came across this fat burner called T-burn. She lost about 30lb's on it and had done tons of research on the ingredients, the maker of it etc... and I felt if she thought it was safe, so did I. So i started taking it and lost 50lbs over the course of the next 6 months!! It felt incredible and yes it did have ephedra. I caught a lot of flack for it from some and others wanted me to hand over the number and how much it cost to them. I read a lot about ephedra, the pro's and the con's. I realized that if you use it and still take good care of yourself, you are going to be ok. If you take it and then think you can starve yourself and workout until you pass out, well then you are going to harm yourself. Over that 6 months, I began to watch what I ate, drank more water and started exercising. It gave me the umph that I needed to make those changes because the pounds were coming off and that motivated me even more. Well I got married and went off, because I wanted a baby. I got pregnant and gained all the weight back.. :-( and while I was pregnant, ephedra was banned. Now me gaining the weight back had nothing to do with t-burn.... that was me just going back to all my bad eating habits while pregnant. After my pregnancy I found out that ephedra had came back again, but could never find t-burn in it's original formula. Over the past few months I have tried unsucessfully to lose weight. I was breastfeeding and so I knew it was harder to lose weight. Well I decided to do a search on yahoo on t-burn just to see if I could find it and guess what... I found it... and even better.. i found the ORIGINAL FORMULA... i could hardly believe it. I called Krista immediately.
Now to incorporate the second subject... breastfeeding. First let me say I did NOT decide to quit breastfeeding soley to lose weight. In fact close friends and family know that I had been contemplating weaning him at 6 months over to formula for many reasons and over the past month. This entire 6 months, my milk has fluccuated to the point I was supplementing 2 or 3 meals a day with a bottle of formula for him. Stress over my husbands job and other things in my life also caused my milk supply to go from more than enough, to not near enough. Also he in the past few weeks has started cereal and veggies, and so I felt better about the possibility of stopping nursing. I enjoy things about nursing, and there are things not so great about it. I felt like I would be letting him down if I stopped no matter what the reason, but I realized I was worrying about what other people would think of me.... and that's not a reason to continue or stop, so I had to make the decision for myself. I had decided to wean him over to formula..... then a few days later... found t-burn.
So I started t-burn yesterday, he was doing so good on mostly formula, that I am completing the weaning process with a breast pump (thanks chrissy!!!!!!) I still worry sometimes what people will think of me, but I know he is going to be ok, and that I gave him 6 months of the best milk there is.... and I am confident he is going to thrive on formula. I also decided it wouldn't be fair to stay in the competition so we decided to call it off, but continue to be an encouragment to each other on our weight loss journey's.
Here is a glimpse of what I looked like when I lost the weight on t-burn the first time.

And here is one of the b4 pictures I will use when I lose the weight this time....
I have decided to combine Weight watchers eating with the T-burn to help me. I am also going to incorporate exercise as well. I am not stupid and I know that if I don't make life changes, then the weight will come back on. I had successfully kept the weight off for 6 months without t-burn until I got pregnant, so I believe I will be able to keep it off this time as well. I just need a little help. It made me feel better to see Jillian from the biggest loser on a commercial the other day offering a similiar product to jumpstart your weight loss.... :-) To those of you out there, my best friend Chrissy included... that are doing it on your own... I am SOOO proud of you all!!! Keep up the good work!!!! You all are an inspiration!!!!
So I will keep you all posted on my progress with t-burn....!!!! If you want any info on it just let me know.
Now onto the 3rd subject but the most important. I know this is a small paragraph in comparison, however over the next few weeks I will talk more about this. Above anything else in my life, my relationship with Jesus Christ should be THE most important thing and I need to spend a lot of time seriously focusing on it. This wednesday begins a bible study that I am co-leading called A woman after God's Own Heart. I am looking forward to doing this study with other women and learning from their experience and insight. I will also keep you all posted (whoever wants to be that is) on this study as well. Those of you who are men and women of prayer, please keep me and the other women participating in your prayers.
Well that's it for now!!!!
Talk to you all later!!!