This is a commercial and every time I see it tears come to my eyes, for many reasons. First being that I'm a mom and a wife.... and second is that I have had a major car accident in my life. My mom and I were in a near fatal accident when I was 17. I was driving and it was raining, and we had rear wheel drive. A semi pushed a truck over into our lane and we wound up hitting the median and flipping 3 times. We did not have our lap belts on only the automatic ones that went over our chest. My mom almost didn't survive and had a skull fracture among other things. Thankfully she survived!! However I have heard story after story of those who don't.
The other thing that really hits home about this video is just a little over a month ago I was in another car accident due to bad road conditions. The police officer told me that had I not been wearing my seatbelt I would definetly have been on my way to the hospital if not worse, and I was only going 20mph.
I'm not always good at remembering to put my seat belt on, in fact my children remind me a lot, so this message is as much for me as it is for all of you. Please watch the video, it's not gruesome or anything like that.... it's a very insightful and touching way of sharing the message to ALWAYS WEAR A SEATBELT! Pass the video along as well!
Please watch!
I love that commercial too!! I am an avid seatbelt wearer, but I love the way this commercial portrays the message!