Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love your enemies???

Matthew 5:44 "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

You know this is soooo hard sometimes. I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggles with this. There are times when persecution comes because we are christians... and sometimes it has nothing to do with our christianity... some people are just mean... miserable... and want you to be too....

I also know though that when we pray for those who are being mean to us and doing us wrong.... it begins to change us...... and it helps us to depend on God even more. Maybe that is why he tells us to do that..... and not only does it do both of those things, but it also helps us to see that person as someone who is probably sad...... and someone who doesn't have hope.... or why would they lie.... be cruel.... and be so self-seeking....

I can't get the image out of my mind of Jesus on the cross.... being spit at... cursed at.... and being crucified.... and yet he calls out "forgive them for they know not what they are doing"...... I know we can't be perfect like Christ.... but we are to strive to have the same attitude ...... This is an area that I have to work on all the time..... so with the new year... I am working on sharing more personal things in my blog... personal struggles.... and this happens to be one of them....

I think sometimes we all need to take a step back... and look into our lives... and release those grudges..... hand over the "wrongs" to God and let him deal with them.... because he really is better at it than we are anyway.... and then take a moment... no matter how hard it is.... and say a prayer for that person.... who knows how it will change your life and maybe even theirs too........


  1. Good post...thank you for sharing.

  2. Carrie @

    You're right--I need to pray for the people who've hurt me. The hardest is praying for the people who've wronged my husband (I'm protective, I guess). I'm glad I stopped by your blog tonight because you've reminded me to do something I've been neglecting. (smile).

  3. thanks everyone... sorry i've been neglecting my blog... now that we are moved.. i'll try and keep up! :-)
