Tonight towards the end of our study we were talking about being a postive person, and also the importance of being a positive mom. We talked about those who were not able to have children, those who have lost children and those who are blessed to have children. We talked about how each day we need to feel blessed to be a mom. Sure there are hard times, but instead of complaining about it, and dwelling on those feelings of negativity, to focus on the positive. Each day make a choice to be thankful and to know that those children were given to you as a precious gift from God, and that we don't know how much time we will have with them, or what kind of an impact we are making in their lives, and their future. None of us will ever be perfect, but when we are striving to be A Woman after God's heart, and we are spending the time, praying, reading the bible and working on becoming more christ like, it will be easier to be more positive and thankful. (preaching to myself here too) :-) Sometimes it's easier to complain, then to give it to God, or to make the choice to look at it positively. The bible says in Phillipans 12:13-18
13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
14 Do everything without complaining and arguing, 15 so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. 16 Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless. 17 But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God,[e] just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy. 18 Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share your joy.
I'm learning that this comes into play especially with being a mom. We live in a world of ME ME ME ME.... and we view our children as burdens instead of blessings... we need to be a bright light in this world... and what better way to show that to those around us than being a positive mom... there is so much negativity out there... let's show some joy... some light.....
My challenge to all the mother's out there, including myself... the next time you feel like complaining about your children.... the next time you feel negativity, look to your heavenly father and thank him for your kids... thank him that he allowed you the mercy and grace and entrusted these little lives into your care.... and think about how much God loves you.... and he will give you the strength to make it through whatever your going through... and through that... we can be a positive influence and have a positive affect on those around us..... let's all try it and see what a difference it makes.... as a side note... this will only be possible, if we get into God's word and spend time with him.... through him ALL is possible!!
Tonight when I got home, my increase in patience was amazing.... i'm serious... listening to the other ladies, spending time in God's word.... allowed me to come home and be a more postiive mom... and not only a more positive mom, but a more positive person!!! My prayer is that each day I can accept this challenge in my own life. I know there will be really tough days... please pray for me... that I can be a positive mom... a positive person.... each and every day... no matter what trials come my way.....
Please continue to pray for me as I am on this journey!!! Please know... i hope I am not sounding like I have it all together... because I don't... i'm just learning... and wanting to share... and hopefully be an encouragment to other mom's out there!!!
If you do decide to go on this challenge with me... please leave a comment and let me know if it is making an impact on how you treat and talk about your kids... and how your feelings are.... would love to hear encouragment from other mom's out there!!!
Well said!
ReplyDeleteI am too emotional to comment what I want to say but, will when I come back from Nashville. I am emotional after reading this, I read it, because I said I would. You truly do understand and, not many do. Love You and your family, Sherrie