Friday, October 23, 2009

Heartbreaking times........

Something I am learning, is that nothing is sweeter during a difficult time than knowing you can lean on a friend. There are times in our lives when difficult things happen..... a loved one dies..... a close friend hurts you deeply..... a marriage is experiencing a rocky time.... loss of a job..... and during those times of weakness, and hurt, there is someone waiting for us. Our Savior Jesus waits to take us in his arms.... he holds us..... loves us... wipes away our tears.... and tells us that no matter what.... HE loves us... HE will never leave or forsake us.... HE will never hurt us..... what an amazing Father in Heaven we send his son to us..... and I'm so glad that during my darkest hours.... I have a perfect friend, a perfect place to rest my head and have peace! Even when people on this earth hurt us and circumstances happen to us that we can't control.... Jesus is there.... loving us...

And just to add.... that after he has wiped away our tears... and given us the boost we need to get back out there.... sometimes.... he comes through in such a way as to bring that which was lost, into our lives again. I'm so thankful for Jesus and all the friends he has brought into my life. :-)

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