Sunday, April 11, 2010

They grow up sooo fast....

I remember when I had my first child Joseph..... and when I would tell someone that he was up all night crying...... or how happy I was he was crawling or walking.... people would tell me... "don't rush it away"..... "before you know it he'll be in school"...... and as I see my children growing I can see how right they are.... in the blink of an eye..... they change.... they grow..... what made me think of this is my 3rd son Jonathan turns 1 today.... Last year ..... April 12, 2009... Easter Morning.... I went into labor.... 5:30am we decided we need to go to the hospital.... and by that afternoon... I had a baby boy in my arms...... now as I look into his sweet little face..... he's already changed sooo much.... he's walking now.... talking some.... feeding himself some foods......

I look at my sammy..... he is almost 4 .. and sometimes he just acts so grown up..... and joseph.... he will be 6 this summer and will head off to kindergarten..... WOW....

and michael!!! He's almost 13!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!

I am going to try and heed all that advice I got a while back..... "cherish this time!"..... and I also got another great bit of advice from a great friend.... She told me... "when i'm up in the middle of the night... I don't get upset... I just realize.... this is what's happening right now... I accept it.... get through it... and realize that soon this will pass"...... and you know what.... pretty soon.... jonathan won't be up during the middle of the night.... (hopefully) ...... and another new phase of life will start..... the biggest thing I am learning is to be excited about "right now" and not try and rush them to the next thing..... children are amazing... they will learn..... they will grow.... we need not rush them.... or one day we will look back.... and wish we had slowed down a bit.....

So to all the people out there who have told me... "slow down"..... "this will pass".... "enjoy them.. it goes by to quickly"..... I am going to try and listen more to you.... :-)


  1. Make me cry.

    Caleb lost his first tooth last night. I don't like this growing up stuff! :o)

  2. Oh my!!! At joseph's dentist appt last week they told me his bottom two teeth are loose!

    I don't like the growing up stuff either!

